BuchTipp: Korea Unmasked

"Wer ein Land verstehen will, muss seine Geschichte kennen." 













Das Buch ist ein unbedingtes Muss fuer jeden der sich laenger in Korea aufhalten will, oder sich fuer Korea und die Koreansiche Kultur interessiert. Es wurde von Won-bok Rhie geschrieben. Er selber hat laenger in Braunschweig gelebt und studiert. Gerade daher ist es sehr interessant wie ein Koreaner der in Deutschland gelebt hat sein Land, seine Leute und seine Kultur beschreibt. Diese Buch hat mir selber sehr geholfen viel Dinge in Korea besser zu verstehen und meine Sichtweise auf einige Dinge positiv veraendert.

Leider gibt es das Buch nur auf Englisch.
Es ist aber wie gesagst trotzdem ein Muss. Unbedingt Lesen!

Hier ist der Link um es zu kaufen!—> Zum Buch

BuchTipp: Culture Shock! Korea

Culture Shock! A Survival Guide to Customs & Etiquette

Whether you travel for business, pleasure, or a combination of the two, the ever-popular “Culture Shock!” series belongs in your backpack or briefcase. Get the nuts-and-bolts information you need to survive and thrive wherever you go. “Culture Shock!” country guides are easy-to-read, accurate, and entertaining crash courses in local customs and etiquette. “Culture Shock!” practical guides offer the inside information you need whether you’re a student, a parent, a globetrotter, or a working traveler. “Culture Shock!” at your Door guides equip you for daily life in some of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities. And “Culture Shock! Success Secrets” guides offer relevant, practical information with the real-life insights and cultural know-how that can make the difference between business success and failure.

Each “Culture Shock!” title is written by someone who’s lived and worked in the country, and each book is packed with practical, accurate, and enjoyable information to help you find your way and feel at home.

Tolle Bilder aus Nord Korea

North Korea from a Western Perspective

After working to get permission to bring a camera into North Korea for over a year, Charlie Crane finally did make his trip, camera in hand, back in 2007. Cell phone confiscated and accompanied by two ‘guides’ throughout his stay, Crane knew he wouldn’t get what he necessarily hoped to get. So he did the next best thing and shot exactly what they wanted him to. The resulting images are an astonishing work that launched his career into the spotlight.
This work was published in Crane’s book, Welcome to Pyonyang, first published in 2007.